Umbria Webcam, is a reality that has decided to make you experience Umbria, at 360 ° by offering you not only live images of the most beautiful Umbrian cities but also by updating you on events, services and curiosities related to our Region.
Through the images and, soon also the sounds, we will try to involve you to the point of coming to our land to live a sensory experience to force you to return from time to time.
The companies that contribute to the spread of this "emotions" have been directly selected by our team in order to represent a small cross-section of the Umbrian hospitality and entrepreneurship.
Team Umbria. Webcam
Giacomo Paparelli Founder/CEO
Benedetta Massimi Sales Manager
Giulio Paparelli Web Master
Cinzia Salati Food and Wine Expert
College of Wise Men: Marcello Pace, Alfonso Bruscino, Francesco Paparelli
The data requested on the site will be used in full compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/03, with which the Code regarding the protection of personal data was issued and will be processed using manual, IT and telematic tools for related purposes. when the requested service is activated.
The nature of the provision of data is optional. Refusal to respond makes it impossible to provide the requested service.
The data may be communicated to subjects delegated to carry out the activities necessary for the provision of the service rendered and disseminated exclusively for this purpose.
The rights referred to in Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/03 are recognized, for the exercise of which you can contact the Data Processor.