Market of the Gaite

by mirko

The Mercato delle Gaite is the most famous event in Bevagna, which takes place in the last week of June.
The inspiration comes from the division that the village once had into four gaite or neighborhoods, in the medieval period. The names are taken from the four churches within the town: S. Giovanni (today S. Michleangelo), Sancta Maria Filiorum Comitis, San Pietro and San Giorgio.
The aim is to faithfully reconstruct the daily life of the Bevanati in the period from 1250 to 1350. The streets are populated with people in period clothing, the ancient medieval shops reopen their doors, and even the dishes offered follow the tradition.
Around the event there is also a healthy competition that takes the form of four competitions: market competition, trades competition, gastronomic competition and archery competition. On the last day the Palio della Vittoria is assigned, following a score assigned by experts in the various fields. Surely the most significant moment is during the days of the market which takes place in the four districts. Each Gaita, while respecting history, wanted to give a personal touch, going from local products to the involvement of artisans. Inside the market it is also possible to find medieval crafts that follow the ancient techniques of processing and production.
In recent editions, meetings on not only cultural and religious themes but also music, theater and dance have also increased.

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