The challenge of artificial intelligence

by mirko

Monday 13 January at 19,00 - SERAFICO INSTITUTE OF ASSISI
The challenge of artificial intelligence with PAOLO BENANTI

On the occasion of the Socio-Political School "Giuseppe Toniolo" year 2019-2020 Paolo Benanti holds a lesson at the Seraphic Institute of Assisi on artificial intelligence.

PAOLO BENANTI - Franciscan of the Third Order Regular, Roman theologian, born in 1973, Paolo Benanti is a Franciscan of the Third Order Regular - TOR - and deals with ethics, bioethics and ethics of technologies. In particular, his studies focus on innovation management: internet and the impact of the Digital Age, biotechnologies for human improvement and biosecurity, neuroscience and neurotechnology.

Professor of moral theology and ethics of technology at the Pontifical Gregorian University and Academician of the Pontifical Academy for Life, he is also a member of the High Level Group of Experts at the Ministry of Economic Development to support the government in the elaboration of "a national strategy for artificial intelligences ".


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