Orvieto in Bloom

by mirko

Orvieto in bloom is the event that colors the districts of the city on the occasion of Pentecost. The definitive subdivision of the districts takes place in the XNUMXth century, regularly divided from the crossroads under the Torre del Moro:

  • Santa Pace named Piazza del Popolo side Corsica;
  • Olmo it is Piazza S. Giovenale;
  • Serancia with S. Andrea and S. Giovanni;
  • S. Maria della Stella with Postoerla.

The subdivision into districts is now used in city events such as the Relay of the Districts (Relay of Corpus Domini of the Districts), an event created, imagining the path taken by the Sacred Linen of the Eucharistic Miracle, from Bolsena to Orvieto. The race wants to represent the Faith “which passes quickly and safely like the translation of the Relics”. On this occasion, men and boys parade for the historical parade, women and girls give life to the parade of the ladies, others form the group of commoners or the religious procession, and the athletes participate in the relay.

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