What to do > Events


  • Ceri of Gubbio

    by mirko

    The Festa dei Ceri involves the entire city of Gubbio. At 11am the Raising of the Ceri is one of the most intense and fascinating moments of the festival. At the sound of the Campanone, the…

  • Perugia 1416

    by mirko

    Perugia 1416 is placed between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, when the image of a new society becomes a model of orderly social development, economic fervor with an extraordinary artistic development that …

  • Spiritual Umbria

    by mirko

    Umbria is a region linked to religion and spirituality. With the advent of Christianity, the territory became the crucial center of great saints, such as Saint Francis, Saint Clare, Saint …

  • Umbria Shopping

    by mirko

    In Umbria, as far as shopping is concerned, the Shopping Cities, Factory Outlets and quality Outlets are highlighted. The Valdichiana Outlet is the closest “Citadel of shopping” to…

  • Orvieto in Bloom

    by mirko

    Orvieto in fiore is the event that colors the city's neighborhoods on the occasion of Pentecost. The definitive subdivision of the neighborhoods took place in the XNUMXth century, regularly divided by the crossroads under the …

  • Infiorate of Spello

    by mirko

    The flower displays of Spello are held on the occasion of the religious festival of Corpus Domini, these wonderful floral carpets adorning alleys are created every year by various groups of "infiorators"...

  • Calendimaggio of Assisi

    by mirko

    The May Day of Assisi has its origins in the XNUMXth century, when the city was shaken by the fights between the Nepis and Fiumi families, one representing the Ghibelline and ...

  • Palio de San Michele

    by mirko

    The Palio of San Michele Arcangelo of Bastia Umbra began with the first edition in 1962, on the occasion of the consecration of the new church, dedicated to the patron saint of the Umbrian town. …

  • Games de le Porte

    by mirko

    The last week of September in Gualdo Tadino the door games take place, this palio undoubtedly has origins from the ancient equestrian jousts, which characterized medieval Umbria on the occasion of the holidays...