The peculiarity of the city of Orvieto is that it was built on a cliff, and this is the reason why it did not allow a natural expansion. Another peculiarity of this geographical position is its location as a frontier city, placed as a crossroads of cultures in every age - from the Etruscan to the medieval and modern ones - which have produced artistic and architectural testimonies. The city thus built on the cliff, in almost three millennia, is connected and integrated by an "underground city" obtained in the tuff rock over the same period of time: walkways, tunnels with hydraulic works and Etruscan wells intersect and connect to similar medieval artifacts or to the deep multi-storey cellars, dug in every age for the processing and preservation of the wine of Orvieto at a constant temperature. The route can start from Piazzale Cahen from which you can easily access the Rocca dell'Albornoz (founded by Cardinal Albornoz in 1364 to have control of the city), the well of St. Patrick and the Belvedere temple of which you can admire the remains more consistent than the Etruscan age. The well of S. Patrizio was built by Antonio Sangallo, at the request of Pope Clement VII who took refuge in Orvieto following the sack of Rome in 1527. By building it, the city would have ensured water autonomy. The double helix structure ensures that the springs are reached at a depth of 50 meters, which are easily accessible for men and mules. Of the three streets, take via Postierla (which extends into via Soliana), on which you reach the Duomo, a marvel of Gothic art whose first stone was laid in 1290 until 1500, they see more than 20 different artists working. The interior includes two chapels, that of the Caporale and that of San Brizio. At the rear of the Cathedral are the Palaces of the Popes, austere thirteenth-century buildings dedicated to Urban IV, Martin IV and Boniface VIII. In the latter, also known as Palazzo Soliano, there is the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, characterized by paintings, sculptures, furnishings from the heritage of the Duomo. Also noteworthy is the Piazza del Popolo, with the Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo.
Orvieto in 1 day
by mirko